It has been weeks that my daughter has been asking for an earth globe, so I told her that if she behaves and eats her meals and brushes her teeth, St. Nicholas just might bring her one. And I was happy with her choice, because it does not fall into a thousand pieces and does not make noise, not to mention how educational it is.
Hetek óta emlegeti kicsi lányom, hogy mennyire szeretne egy földgömböt. Elmondtam neki, ha jó kislány lesz, megeszi az ebédjét és szépen fogat mos, a Mikulás talán majd hoz neki egyet. Örültem is, hogy erre vágyik, mert amellett, hogy csak egy darabból áll és nem zajos, ráadásul még hasznos is.
But, while shopping for groceries yesterday:
De tegnap, a heti bevásárlás közben:
I have a feeling that when we sit down to write the letter to St. Nicholas, it won't be an earth globe that the young lady will be asking for... :D
Nagy a gyanúm, hogy mikor leülünk megírni a levelet a Mikulásnak, mégsem földgömböt fog kérni benne a kis hölgy... :D
Still Choosing Colors – On the Worktable!
2 hours ago
Csak nehogy megemlítse a nagymamának! Nálunk az összes trombitát, dobot, kerepelőt... a nagyszülők ajándékozták a csemetéknek :o)
Estes pequenos momentos e presentes são a alegria das crianças. Com certeza voce irá ter muitos barulhos agradáveis.
What a precious girl! Give her anything she wants! Drums are good for the soul but I am not sure about the ears.
OMG HOW ADORABLE!! I see a rock star in your future!!
Oh my goodness, your daughter is so beautiful! I am afraid I would just melt in her presence! And she would wrap me around her finger and I would have to buy her anything her heart desired! Give her hugs and kisses for me. Az amerikai rokon, Cat
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