Her mother was quick to answer: from the rose garden, of course.
"But where is her garden, mom? I can't see it, please draw one for her!"
And as I was more than happy to obey, here's my progress so far:
Taking the pictures I realized that there is a big, barking mistake in the composition, that I will have to solve somehow, without unpicking the silk ribbon embroidery... Nevertheless, I love the way it is turning out.

Can you help me? What is the barking mistake?
The little pink roses, did make them doing first a french or colonial knot followed by some running stitches? (fargo rose?) They are lovely!
Annamaria... rosas cor de rosa... para uma bela criança... o jardim está ficando lindo... florescendo como em uma Primavera!!
Um abraço carinhoso para voce e para sua linda menina.
Que bonito te ha quedado!! besos
Very nice work!
I see no dog barking and I see no mistake!?!?!?! This is lovely, sit back and smell the roses! You are too hard on yourself.
I love how your little girl is coming out- the pink roses are so beautiful and really add textures. Looking forward to see her completed.
Gyönyörű! Anya kertje tele rózsákkal bizony szép emlék lehet.
Kedves Manya, I have put off reading your blog and commenting because I wanted to devote a proper amount of time to reading and studying all the beautiful things you have written and stitched. So, I start with this lovely picture of the girl holding the roses and wonder what you believe to be wrong with your composition. It is beautiful, although I believe you have not finished yet. But I will read on and learn something, I am sure!
You have been in my thoughts a lot lately. I truly hope we can meet some day!
Hugs, Cathy
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