I have gotten used by now to keep bumping into my photos of my work here and there on the world wide web, published without my consent, with no credit or link back to me whatsoever, or even posted as someone else's work. On all these occasions, I have privately contacted whoever posted them and kindly asked them to give proper credit or remove my photos from their postings. And so they did.
But yesterday's story is different, and here it is in short:
I was surprised to find all the photos of my Dimensional Daisies (all the ones I have posted here on my blog AND the ones that are part of my online class) on a very popular page called Blooming Embroidery Class (!!!) on a community page... Of course, no credit, no link, no nothing. I contacted the lady, asking her in kindly, in private, just like I did the others previously, to remove the photos. I could see that she had read my message, but no reply came. After waiting for a fair while, I commented publicly on her page, on the album containing my photos, asking her, again, to remove them. The reaction was that she had found the photos on my blog and was just sharing them with her friends... What? And that would make it right??? At this point I asked again, not so kindly but respectfully, to remove the photos immediately. Again, no reaction. Only after I mentioned that what she was doing is called stealing and a couple of my friends also commented that it was indeed my work and she was disrespectful, the album was removed... How naive of me to think that was all. She posted one of my photos again, with a link to my blog this time, and wrote:
"I have post this as a album but (my full name) didn't allow me to shear if any one need this design go to this link or plz inbox me."
(Note: the design she is talking about is only available through my Dimensional Daisies online class)
I am just speechless and so sad and angry. Do I really need to explain that I have paid for my fair share of embroidery classes and books? That the time and energy spent with writing the class and working on my embroideries are mine and while I have done all that with joy, it is also hard work and it helps to put bread on the table? Really, do I?
Thank you for reading!
Wishing everyone a happy week,

Good for you for following up and be assured that her stupid response is not missed by others who value what they create... But the link anyway just might bring you some students.
ciao manya...grazie al traduttore ho capito il senso del tuo post....e ancora una volta rimango stipita e amareggiata che persone prive di creatività e fantasia si facciano grandi "prelevando" le foto dei lavori altrui...ma non lo sanno che prima o poi sono beccate!!???!!! e che merito hanno??? perchè non linki il sito che vado a vedere anch'io???
purtroppo nel mondo web ci sono anche queste persone...ma non sono la maggioranza fortunatamente!! continua ad essere speciale come sei!!!!
It is sad to think of the disrespect that people have. It is good that you did follow up on it.
So sorry you are having to tolerate such disrespect of your creative efforts- blessings to you!
con il traduttore (perchè non traducono meglio?) ho cercato di capire cosa ti è successo, ma non arrabbiarti non serve, solo tu sai quanto vali, e quelle come me che ti seguono e vorrebbero tanto che tu fossi vicina per venire a imparare i tuoi meravigliosi lavori.......ciao ciao Lella
És még ő van megsértődve. Az ilyeneken nagyon fel szoktam kapni a vizet...
that is dreadful, what a cheek. I'd consider putting another note on her page saying that if she gives away your patterns or continues to steal your photos, you'll contact a lawyer as it's invasion of copyright - I'm pretty sure that would make her think twice.
If this person was *truly* interested in sharing your talent, she would have given proper credit & links! Thinking it's time for a cease & desist notice to be sent....also, send official notification of your complaint to her site host, noting theft. It makes me *so* angry reading this sort of thing. :(
Hi Manya, I am sadden to know that this has happened to you. You share your beautiful work with us and inspire all of us. I so enjoyed taking your Daisy Class and would hope that anyone who wanted to learn this technique would do so the honest and fair way. You should be so proud to stand up for yourself and I'm happy to see that you contacted her. I hope she has learned a lesson or at least will give credit where credit is due in the future.
Hugs my friend,
Nicki Lee
I had a look on her Fb page and put a comment on it with a link to your blog lol
We can all play silly beggars lol
Some people have no respect, and it's a shame they would try to claim your beautiful work as their own. I'm glad you challenged her, and hope that you don't have to proceed further. Good for you!
Contact the site host, hopefully they will deal with it properly. This person will probably keep trying to rip off your hard work on a new site, but its hard to squash those kinds of roaches.
Annamária, o seu trabalho é único, pois é feito com a alma. Atrás dele está muito investimento: livros, tecidos, linhas, pesquisa... mas acima de tudo está a "Inspiração" que Deus naquele momento colocou em sua mente.. e isso não tem preço... é o Dom que temos e que ninguém pode roubar de nós.
Tenho certeza que através desse pequeno episódio as pessoas vão estar olhando para o seu trabalho com outros olhos.! Olhos para enxergar o trabalho de uma "Grande artista", pois é assim que vejo o seu trabalho! Dedicação, paciência, persistência...é o resultado de um belo trabalho!
Nagyon sajnalom, a legrosszabb resze hogy nem igazan llehet ellenuk tenni semmit, mert barmikor ujraposztolhatjak, ahogyh jelen esetben is megtortent...
Megertelek mert annyira egyedi dolgokat keszitesz, kar lenne ezert es ilyenekert feladni:(
sok sikert tovvra is,
Mindig szivesen nezelodok a blogond!:)
Ei, Manya!
Muito desagradável mesmo!
Mas, seu trabalho é belíssimo, seu talento inegável!
Dê um sorriso e vá em frente!
Um abraço!
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