When I started blogging, I would have never imagined that I would have the opportunity
to write this particular post... Yet, here I am writing it and happy to announce
Humming Needles' 500 Followers Giveaway!
As much as I would like to thank each and every one of you for being here, for all your kind attention, comments and support, it is beyond my power to do that.
But what I can do,
is to present five of you, dear readers, with five of my creations:
Gift no.1: "Birthday Bouquet" Pendant
Gift no.2: A custom made pendant, created especially for the winner
Gift no.3: "Fairies" eyeglass case
Gift no.4: A one on one Dimensional Daisies Online Class
and Gift no.5: a SURPRISE :)
If you would like to take part in the giveaway and win
any of the presents listed above, just leave one comment on this post
any of the presents listed above, just leave one comment on this post
until February 28, midnight (CET),
which one of the five items listed above you would like to win
what would you like the "Surprize" gift to be.
what would you like the "Surprize" gift to be.
As this is a celebration of followers, only followers of this blog (present followers and new ones) can take part in the giveaway.
Thank you again and good luck Everyone :)

Parabéns pelo belo trabalho que voce vem fazendo. Mostrando ao mundo um bordado perfeito, feito com carinho e alma. Voce merece todos os elogios... e muitos abraços.
Eu gostaria de ganhar o presente nº 3 uma bolsa para os meus óculos.
Um carinhoso abraço.
Поздравляю с 500 читателей! Желаю процветания и успеха!
Если можно, то записываюсь на 1 и 3 подарки :)))
A lovely give away...please enter me in the draw...I would love the eyeglass case.
NAgyon tetszenek az alkotásaid. Játszanék én is. Ha lehet (és ha szerencsém lesz) a 2. ajándékot kérném. Láttam ugyanis Nálad egy medált tulipánokkal, fantasztikus volt. Imádom a tulipánokat és szalaghímzéssel még nem láttam előtte csak más virágokat.
Köszönöm, hogy játszhatok.
Oh I would love to win(again,lol)any of your prizes. They are so beautiful!! And the surprize gift? Perhaps a stitched little pouch? Or a little heart? I think whatever it would be it will be just lovely.
Hugs Martina
What lovely giveaways. I want win prize No.4. And the surpize gift? A little pincushion?
Your work is beautiful! So glad I discovered your site a few days ago.I will have to visit your Esty Shop.Good luck to everyone in the giveaway!
óóóóóóóó, jajj!
pazar "giveaway"
régóta csodálom munkáidat...
nem tudok dönteni...bármit elfogadnék tőled...
húha, legyen aaaaaaaaa
MÁSODIK csomag....
minden jót
Gyönyörű szép minden, amit készítesz, nem győzöm csodálni. nagyon szeretnék nyerni, talán egy szemüvegtokot.
Hihetetlen tehetseged van a kezimunkahoz! Minden elismeresem! Nagy megtiszteltetes lenne, ha en nyernem meg a szemelyre szabott ajandekot vagy a meglepit!:) Szamomra az lenne a meglepi ha egy altalad himzett medalt erkezne a postan:D
Minden jot, es sok csodas ekszert tovabbra is!:)
Congratulations on your beautiful works! I'd like to win ..... all.
I want to win the no.2
Saluti Raffaella
Le tue creazioni sono di una bellezza unica, spero di essere una delle 5 fortunate a possederne una!!!
complimenti per il tuo meraviglioso blog, hai raggiunto un bellissimo traguardo, ti auguro altri 500 in pochissimo tempo.
Its very beautiful works!
Поздравляю с 500 читателями! Очень понравился подарок №3, хотелось бы выиграть, буду надеяться :)
Gratulálok! Nagyon nagylelkű vagy velünk! :-)
Szeretem a munkáid, de a szívemhez legközelebb mindig is az ékszereid állnak. Így, ha én lennék a szerencsés nyertes, akkor vagy az 1-es, vagy a 2-es nyereményt választanám, illetve a meglepetés is lehetne egy szép medál. :-)
Köszönöm és további szépséges alkotásokat kívánok!
Can I say "all of the above"? Tough choice. Everything you do is so beautiful. I guess if I must, the eyeglass case would be 1st choice, followed by the dimensional daisy online class and finally, almost neck-in-neck with the other two, one of your pendants. I would like the surprise to be that I won! Congratulations on having 500 followers. That is awesome!
i tuoi lavori sono magnifici, mi sono iscritta da qualche giorno al tuo blog, e sarei superfelice di poter vincere uno dei tuoi stupendi premi, grazie dell'opportunita'
wow, what am amazing giveaway, I'd love to win one of your embroidered pendants (any of them, they're ALL gorgeous), so that's what I'd like the surprise to be too! I would also be interested in the one to one class, but I fear it would be too advanced for me!
Egy ajándék mindig öröm, de ha még ráadásul ilyen szépséges mint a te munkáid igazi győztesnek érezheti magát az ember fia! Ha nyernék bármelyik nyereménynek örülnék... de itt közelről könnyebben meg tudom csodálni őket (ha majd úgy adódik), így hát azoknak szurkolok akiknek nincs lehetőségük élőben megcsodálni szép munkádat.
Todos os brindes maravilhosos.Gostaria de concorrer ao número 2.
Obrigada pela oportunidade.
What a generous giveaway. If I won, I'd want either one or two.
What a fab giveaway! I adore your embroidered pendants and would love a chance to win one!
Your work is very beautiful. I have ventured here for a few years and admire your work endlessly.
Thank you for the tutorials and free patterns you have on your blog spot. I would love to receive the eye glasses case.
As for the surprise, well, it would no longer be a surprise.:) I'm sure if I were to receive the surprise I would be very pleased.
Thank you, Marcyne
Hazel, South Dakota, USA
What a fabulous giveaway! Your creations are so beautiful, I would be thrilled to win any of your prizes, but, since you asked me to choose, I shall pick #1. The surprise? What about something hardanger? Congrats on 500 followers!
Congrats on 500 followers! I love all your stitching. Beautiful giveaways - I would love to be included for #1 - Love your pendants. I am visualizing myself wearing your embroidered pendant:)
love Annette
Congratulations on your beautiful works! I'd like to win ..... all.
Hugs Katya
considerando que todos são lindos, ficaria feliz com qualquer um dos presentes...se o ganhar...
Felicidades e sucesso sempre...
abraços de MF
Your work is beautiful. I would be happy to win any of your pendants or cases. As for a surprize, a pin would be nice or a small case. Thanks for the giveaway chance. I love seeing what you are making.
Congratulations my friend. 500 followers of your lovely work! Any of your gifts would be wonderful to win....but I would like the one on one Daisy class! The surprize gift could be one of your beautiful Christmas Ornaments!
Hello dear one
It is really nice of you, this give away :) I am french, so please do not mind my poor english ;)
I would really love, as a surprise, an eyeglass case - not with fairies ! - but with a picture of me when I was a child ^^ or may be a picture of me with my lovely husband..
So, I would like to win the surprise ^^ or the lovelay daisy !
Please, go ahead with your beautiful creations !! I really love your hardanger creations !!
Best wishes
And I do not know how to follow your blog, so I have on my main google page a picture of your blog, I open it each day to check your articles ! I hope you believe me ! I can take a print screen if you want :) or you can find me in some comment, I think I wrote you somekind of thank you for your hardanger creations :)
Kind regards
Felicitaciones por sus hermosos trabajos, de muy buen gusto!!!
Un saludo desde Colombia.
Personalmente me gusta el premio 1.
I would LOVE to win the birthday bouquet and the custom made pendant. These are absolutely gorgeous. I am a new follow and admirer of your work.
Thanks for the generous offer.
I'm so excited to find a new blog to follow. I love the glasses case! For a surprise gift, I certainly would love any kind of thread, lace, or silk ribbons for my crazy quilt stash!
HI, I'm a newer follower and I am so glad to have found your blog! You do such beautiful pieces and it's a wonder you don't have more than your newly attained 500 followers! Happy Day!! :)
Congratulations! 500!!! WOW!!! Since I already own one of your gorgeous necklaces I think I'll go for #3... it is so beautiful. As for the surprise, how about a pretty pincushion or needlecase.
I tried to post comment for contest and it said was done?????? I will try again very short one I love your wonderful things I love the eye glass case so beautiful and for surprise I just dont know everything so pretty I do love silk necklace . thank you for opportunity I hope to post this this time it will work thank you rar
I love your work. Thank you for the giveaway
Congratulations! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
I love present 2- exactly my taste :)
For a surprise- just surprise me if I win :)
I've only just found your blog. Your work is stunning! I'd love to win the Birthday Bouquet Pendant, so beautiful!
I love any of the pendants. I would also love a pendant with a heart in it for the surprise gift.
#2 so beautiful!
And for the surprise gift what about a little purse for the pendant :D
Hi,Mànya, wow I would love to win one of your great pendants , they are a work of art!!And for a surprice gift maybe a little pincushion? I become a follower and from the Netherlands I say congrates on so many followers, bye Linda.
What beautiful work! I would love to win the custom pendant. And a great surprise gift would be earrings or a brooch.
The eye glass case is beautiful, cong
on 500!!!! I love suprizes,so lets make it a suprize.
I just found you...and became a follower.
Beautiful work!!
Please include me in your drawing for the eyeglass case.
ldepalatis at earthlink dot net
Hi! I found your blog via Craftgossip.com. Such lovely work! Congratulations on your 500th :) I agree with some of your other fans: a surprise is only a surprise when you don't know what it is. It is also the prize I would like to win, #5.
Lovely giveaways, and you are making it so hard to choose. But, maybe the eye glass case. As for the surprise gift, well I think that's best left up to you to surprise us. Thank you.
I would love the birthday pendant or maybe a pin. Thanks!
Shari Harniss
Houston, TX
Oi menina conheço já algum tempo o seu blog, encantador e de trabalhos perfeitos, gostári de ganhar um mino sim o nº2. Parabéns. Iêda
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!
Todos os prêmios são preciosos, é difícil escolher! Ficaria feliz com qualquer um deles mas, se for obrigada a escolher fico com as margaridas aou a surpresa pois, adoro surpresas!
Um grande abraço!
Egléa Senna
Your work is just beautiful. Your pendants are gorgeous and I would love to wear one of them.
What a beautiful craft! I just found your site and am a follower now. I would love any one of the pendants. They are just beautiful.
I would love the birthday bouquet pendant because I just celebrated my birthday. Your work is outstandingly beautiful.
Oh, these pendants are simply beautiful! Love the ribbon embroidery, so soft and feminine.
What a wonderful Valentine's day this would be for me.
Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Annette from Utah
Love love LOVE the eyeglass case! Your work is lovely!
All the projects are stunning but my favorite is the fairy eye glass case. For the surprise, a change purse? You do such lovely work.
I love #2 the broach. For a surprise gift I would love a pin cushion or selection of silk ribbons and laces. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. Marlene mplemel@yahoo.com
Pat522,I would be thrilled to receive any of your works.I think that the No1 necklace would be my choice but any of youf pieces would be a greatly appriciated.Thank You,pr46ct@yahoo.com
I would be thrilled to win any of these--they're all beautiful!
OH MY! I simply adore the Birthday Bouquet- so gorgeous and very timely considering my upcoming bday!
A lovely Surprize gift would be a pendant or brooch of some kind, to pin onto my favorite cozy sweater :)
I would love to win one of the necklaces for my granddaughter to wear on her wedding day, April 13, 2013. Your work is lovely!
Your work is so beautiful. I love that you are on etsy. I think Gift no.2: A custom made pendant, created especially for the winner would an incredible prize.
Gratulálok a munkáidhoz! Mindegyik gyönyörűséges! 2 vagy 4 ♥
Congrats on your 500 followers! I'd like to be inlcluded in your giveaway -- the birthday pendant and as a surprise... well, surprise me! :)
Love all the gifts but anything with silk ribbon and CQ is a favourite with me. Lovely work and congrats on so many followers.
I'd be happy to get "Fairies" eyeglass case. Thank you)
Nehéz dönteni, de nagy a csábítás, úgyhogy a 2.es ajándékra neveznék :)
Thanks for offering to do this give away -- what a generous person you are! It is very hard to pick one, but I love the eyeglasses case. I also love the idea of your class. As for the surprise gift -- something hardanger perhaps. (-;
Поздравляю с таким замечательным числом!
Очень люблю Ваш блог и Ваши работы. Если можно, запишите меня на все пункты игры. :)
Поздравляю с таким замечательным числом!
Очень люблю Ваш блог и Ваши работы. Если можно, запишите меня на все пункты игры. :)
Jövök én is játszani, amennyiben Fortuna egy icike picikét kedvelne, akkor én a 3-ast szeretném, a lepkés szemüvegtokot :D
Hola guapa, felicidades por tus 500 seguidores, no podia ser de otra manera. Me gustaria la bolsita para las gafas y como sorpresa.... tu hardanger me encanta..... Besos, Estrella
Obrigada Annamária.Vou ficar aqui do Brasil, vendo seu lindo trabalho...
Congratulations on the 500 followers!. Thank you for this giveaway full of beautiful gifts. Personally I like the gift # 2, and the surprise... A phone pouch?
Greetings from Spain
Minden gyönyörű, örülök, hogy nem maradtam le a határidőről.:)
Gratulálok a sok szépséghez amiket készítesz!
a 2-es ajándéknak örülnék a legjobban:)
Köszönöm szépen a lehetőséget.
I would love the surprise gift- now if i told you what i would like it to be it wouldn't be a surprise so i am keeping that to myself! -
Congrats on reaching such a wonderful followers milestone!
ciao annamaria....anch'io voglio complimentarmi con te per questo successo ben meritato....e in cuor mio spero di poter essere tra le vincitrici proprio per ricevere uno dei tuoi meravigliosi lavori....
Participar dessa festa é tudo de bom e poder escolher o presente ... não sei nem o que dizer, o nº 1 é muito simbólico, amei!
Well i´d like to participate ;-)
You already know i love your work...I love fairies too ;-)
Thank you for this giveaway!
See you soon!
Gyönyörűek a nyakláncaid!
Azért a kettest választanám, mert a fenti kép pasztell színei jobban bejönnek.
I would love to win #2, the custom made pendant. As for surprise gift, how about a watch with the clock face covered with one of your designs. Lift up design part to see time.
ciao sono Titty,
ho scoperto per caso il tuo blog ricco di creazioni raffinate!
mi piacerebbe partecipare al tuo candy visto che mi sono innamorata dei ciondoli personalizzati!
a presto,
I love your pendants. Any of them would be wonderful!
Gyönyörűek a munkáid - és nagyon nagylelkű vagy, köszönönet érte!
A második csomaggal vagyok nagy szerelemben... bár tényleg nem egyszerű a választás... :))
That a beautiful giveaway! Glad to take part in the 2nd prize. What about surprice gift - any of your pendants will be the best gift.
Hi! :-)
I congratulate you and your nice bloghouse with 500 readers! :-)
You have a great "Give away"!
All prizes are super!!!
I'll have birthday
03.03., so I choose a gift number
1 - "Birthday Bouquet" :-), and I like gift number 2 also, and I love the pleasant
surprises,for this reason i like
gift number 5 too :-)
Best wishes from Greece, OlenkaFotiou
/ link on the right panel of my blog:
Congrats on 500 followers!What a amazing giveaway! Any gift from you would be nice to get;)
Lovely giveaways! I want win prize No.3: "Fairies" eyeglass case. Sylwia, http://mojkrzyzykowyswiat.blogspot.com/
Wow, congratulations with your 5 years blogging anniversary!
I'd love to win the second prize (custome made pendant) or if it's a surprise - something from ribbons, you always is so smart with them!
Hola me apunto a su sorteo! Gracias.
All of your work is exquisite -- I love coming to your blog ... it's full of beautiful eye candy! I love the eyeglass case, too -- that would be the prize I pick! And as for the surprise? I don't know ... a little something like what's in your header pictures -- the daisies and pearls are my *favorite*!! Thank you! :)
Congratulations Annamaria! No wonder you have got 500 followers. Your work is outstanding and you are an inspiration for many ladies in the embroidery world. If I should win I choose the eyeglass case, it looks so lovely.
And the surprise, well it is a surprise, isn't it?
Congratulations on such a great number!
You do wonderful work! I wish prosperity and success!
If you can, write me at 1 and 3 gifts :)))
hey, wonderful giveaway !
I love Pendant - its beautiful :)
Im going to try this embroidery (gift No.1 or No. 2)
For me is No. 1 Gift No. 1 - "Birthday Bouquet" Pendant.
More greeting for Slovakia.
Vicky from http://samain-drobnostky.blogspot.sk/
Gyonyoruek a munkaid:-)en is csatlakoznak a versenyhez:a 'meglepetes'cimu ajandektarnyra szavaznak,mivel barmi is legyen az csodaszep alkotas:-)
All of your work is so beautiful, and these five gifts are no exception! Any of them would be wonderful. I think the surprise gift should have some of your gorgeous white daisies on it.
Stunning! Your work is just stunning and I'm in awe every time I see it. I would love to receive the Birthday Bouquet. Fitting since I'm posting on my Birthday today. As for the surprise...something Hardanger would be lovely or like other posters have said, something with your beautiful Daisies on it. Wishing you many blessings.
Jennifer Janney
Ha tehetném, én a másodikat választanám!
Todos los obsequios son preciosos, no me extraña que tenga tantos seguidores.
Me gustaría el colgante, estaría encantada de poder lucirlo.
El regalo sorpresa podría ser un bordado con perlitas.
Hasta pronto.
A kinalat nagyon kecses.:)
Lehet mindet valasztani?:)
Az elso szamu a kedvencem.:)
Szivesen lennek a kedves,hires pentant egyik tulajdonosa.:)
Minden jot Annamaria.:)
Olá, Manya!
Parabéns pelos 500 seguidores!!
Seus trabalhos são todos maravilhosos!
Amo este estilo!
O que eu gostaria de ganhar? É difícil escolher, pois é tudo imensamente lindo!
Gostaria de participar do sorteio.
Já sou seguidora e divulguei em meu blog(barra lateral):
Muito obrigada pela oportunidade!
Fabiana Strehlow.
I would love to win any and all of your prizes. I love everything you stitch. You inspire me to try new things and be adventurous in my stitching. I thankyou for that!
Angie over at Lovie Dew Stitchery (one of your many champions)
I would like anything you make, so I would choose the Surprise!with pink roses and white daisies.
Manka it's very difficult to make a choice!!! it's all amazing!!!
And the surprise, well it is a surprise, isn't it?
Don't know how I managed to miss this post but I did so better get my name in now for a chance at one of your beautiful pendants.
quelle que soit la surprise c'est certain qu'elle sera belle, j'aime particulièrement les médaillons de roses brodées au ruban, dans les tons fanés, je suis ravie de vous suivre encore par l'intermédiaire de google reader, et j'espère encore longtemps :)
Congrats on 500 followers! I'd love to be entered for a chance to win any one of your prizes. All of your work is so beautiful!
Congrats on 500+ followers! I would love to win either 1 or 2! & I would like the surprise gift to be a pendant! I just love those pendants! :D Thanks so much for the great giveaway! I'm a new follower.
Congratulations on 500 followers, dear cousin! It is well deserved.
Szerencsés vagyok, mert van egy a nyakláncot. És én mindig tartsa meg a szívemben.
Még időben érkeztem.
Csodásak az ajándékaid, s gratulálok a követőid számához.
Választani, ha én nyernék, akkor a 4. vagy 5. meglepit kérném.
Gratulálok a szépséges alkotásaidhoz.
What beautiful work you create! Thank you for the generous offer. Any surprise gift would be lovely. If I should win, I believe my first choice would be one of the lovely pendants. However, everything you do is beautiful. Congratulations. It is easy to see why you have 500 followers!
Twoje prace są prześliczne, pięknie wykonane, eleganckie, wyjątkowe:)
Ja zapisuję się na zestaw nr 5 jakby na mnie padł los to chciałabym jeden z Twoich różanych wisiorków.
Pozdrawiam ciepło
This is a very generous giveaway! I am often reading your site, but never have commented. You do such beautiful work! I think I would like the very first pendant and I would like the surprise to the the white roses on blue pendants!
Fantasztikus munkáid vannak, régóta csodálom! A második "custom made" ajándékot választanám, mert nagyon tetszik a tulipános medálod, nemsokára 8 éves házassági évfordulót ünneplünk, és piros tulipánból volt a menyasszonyi csokrom :)
They are all so gorgeous, but if I had to choose, I'd say #3, the eyeglass case. For a surprise--a pincusion.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Dear Manya: Congratulations on your
500th follower of your blog! Your
work is truly exceptional and is such
a joy to see. I would love to be
entered in the giveaway. Your
daisies in stumpwork are just
beautiful and are my favorite, I
think. An admirer in Covington,
Louisiana, USA, Amy Britt
I would love to have the giveaway no.3. The surprise could be a phone pouch!!!!!!
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