This is what it looked like when I opened the envelope:
I had a vintage flower broach that I have taken apart and it had the perfect color velvet flower for this block, so on it went to the purple patch on the left, accompanied by a pearl and beads and Portuguese Stem Stitched veins and Raised Fishbone stitch leaves:
Then I broadened the frame stitched by Marianne around the center print by adding some lace and a few beads:
The second patch calling me was the striped one on the bottom right, so I filled it (and the small orange patch next to it) with curly veins wrapped with silk ribbon and a sprinkle of light purple ribbon roses and bead flowers:
One tiny seam treatment on the top center:
And this is what Jocelyne's block looks like before going back into the envelope:
Now on with the Reticello sampler...
Have a wonderful weekend, Everyone!

Just gorgeous! Love the flowers on the striped fabric.
Your work is beauitful!! The Portuguese stem is one of my favorite stitches it looks so neat. Jocelyne's block looks great!
Quase meia-noite da sexta-feira... e só agora um tempo para olhar meus blogs preferidos... e encontro um novo trabalho seu!! Esse é um grande presente, ve ro trabalho de mãos habilidosas e uma criatividade maravilhosa!
Tenha um fim de semana abençoado!
It's beautiful!
What fun to work on a Round Robin and get the chance to see other's work up close. Those that follow you in this RR will certainly be in for a treat. What a great example of beautiful stitching. I love that silk ribbon wrapped stitch, it adds so much interest.
As always nice job!
Elképesztő ez a részletgazdagság! Hosszan kell nézni, hogy mindent lássak. Ekkora türelmet,ilyen sok munkát ritkán látok. Gratulálok!
Nagyon szép és fantáziadús munka:) Örülök, hogy benéztem hozzád:)
Kedves barátom, a varrás mindig gyönyörű alkotás. Annyira tehetséges! Várom, hogy, hogy egy RR veletek néhány nap. Nagy ölelések, Cathy
I love what you did on my block! I can't wait to see it . You are a such good embroider, I wish you close by me so I can learn from you
All of it's pretty, but I really love that patch on the bottom. I never thought of using silk ribbon to wrap stitches.
I love what you did on Jocelyne's block, especially how you enhanced the frame I did!
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