A lot less people are aware of another fact: I have been collecting pebbles for as long as I can remember. I have pebbles that remind me of special moments in my life, special places I visited, a play I've seen, a book I've read... And pebbles I just picked up in an ordinary moment of an ordinary day, just because they caught my attention. There's at least one in my purse right now, and if I look, I might find some in the pocket of my coat, too... Now, this does not mean that I have tons of pebbles all over the house, my collection "only" fills a jar and a small shoebox (ok, plus my purse and pockets LOL).
So when my friend, Debbie, first blogged about the Pebble Adventure she has embarked on with another friend, Marjolein, I knew I wanted to participate!
Items to be trapped
Items trapped
Ready for embroidery
As I am still experimenting with this trapping thing, I decided to keep my pebble small, with not too many items trapped. I am really curious to see how it will work.
Now I'm off to work on a new project, about which I can't wait to tell you all when the time comes!
Have a happy Monday, Everyone!

Uma nova aventura e com certeza será bela!
tenha uma semana abençoada!
A really nice start. I'll be watching your progress!
I am so happy you decided to join in our Pebble Adventure! You are off to a great start and I know the finished project will be amazing like every thing else you stitch. A secret project!!!! I can't wait to hear about that!
Manya, Do you have a finished pebble you would like to share in the summer issue of crazy quilt gatherings magazine? Marjolein and others are sharing theirs. Just email a jpg to angell100@comcast.net.
Thank you.
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