By the time the seam treatments, embroidery and lace beading were done, I realized that adding anything to the boomerang shaped patch would take away from the shape of the fan.
As I felt the same way even after sleeping on it (not literally...), I finished it up and I am happy to present my CQ'd ring pillow no.2:
The rings are going to be attached to the trim in the upper left, with cream silk ribbon, but only when the time comes for the pillow to be used...
And last, but not least, I am also happy to welcome Kathy Shaw (Shawkl), as member / follower no.200 of my blog, and to present her with her choice of a hardanger angel or bookmark by this Christmas :)
Have a beautiful weekend, Everyone!

P.S. I've been without internet connection for the last two weeks, so many emails remained unanswered. I am kindly asking for your patience for one more day, will start going through the letters tomorrow. Thank you!
Очень красивая работа! Белый цвет верстаки фаворит :)
I have been pleased to read your blog! Wonderful work! These white bags are beautiful! Masterfully and with great taste made! I use a translator, has translated correctly nadeyuson my delight !:)))
Замечательная работа ! очень нежная ...
Oh my God!!!! It is beautiful!
Ez gyönyörű lett, gratulálok! :)
Como fico contente...quando voce borda e escreve... a internet hoje aproxima tanto as pessoas...
Seu Bordado está maravilhoso! fino, delicado, suave... tenha um final de semana abençoado!
Perfect as always! I must confess that I like the stitching on the middle three sectors of the fan. Have a nice weekend too.
Bravo! Прекрасно!
This ring bearer's pillow is so gorgeous! What wonderful stitching. Thank you for sharing.
Egy álom!
Oh, the pillow is just stunning! I totally agree, the fan should stand alone it is magnificent! And, thanks so much for the bookmark!! I can't wait to receive it!
Aprólékos, gyönyörűséges munka! Gratulálok!
Hát ez valami eszméletlenül szép. Oly tökéletes, hogy nem találok rá szavakat. Lehet-akarod ezt még tovább fokozni?
Como siempre, un muy lindo trabajo Manya !!!
Ez egyszerűen meseszép!
Csodálatos! Rengeteg munka lehet benne, de megérte!
Absolutely Stunning! I've never done a white on white but will have to try this out sometime soon - simply gorgeous!
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