Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
With the needles literally melting between my fingers because of the hottest weather this year, there's little progress on my stitching projects. And on any other, as a matter of fact.
Still, I managed to finish my work on Marianne's block:
And every now and then to make a stitch or two on my monochrome project for Sharon Boggon's Sumputous Surface Embroidery class:
I should already be working on the next project of the class, in colors, but that one is only in the sketching stage at the moment:
I will be happy if it is finished by the end of September. Unless all my needles melt by then :)
Still, I managed to finish my work on Marianne's block:
And every now and then to make a stitch or two on my monochrome project for Sharon Boggon's Sumputous Surface Embroidery class:
I should already be working on the next project of the class, in colors, but that one is only in the sketching stage at the moment:
I will be happy if it is finished by the end of September. Unless all my needles melt by then :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Fabulous First Timers no.17
Remember Marianne's lovely pansy block?
I started working on it yesterday, here's my progress so far:
Both the bench and the leaves are things I did for the first time now. This is one of the reasons I am so glad that I signed up for this Round Robin: it really shakes up creativity, forcing me out of my square :)
Not to mention how much there is to learn from the beautiful work of my RR companions!

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
In the light of numerous emails received and a couple of comments on yesterdays post, all concerned with the languages I use and the ones I should use to write my blog, I decided to refrain for a while from posting. In any language. There might still be pictures of my works, so the only language used will be the universal language of embroidery.
Számos email és pár hozzászólás fényében, melyeknek témája az volt, hogy milyen nyelven kellene vezetnem és milyen nyelven vezetem a blogomat, úgy döntöttem, hogy most egy ideig inkább nem írok semmit. Semmilyen nyelven. Lehet, hogy fogok képeket feltölteni, de megszólalni csak a hímzés nemzetközi nyelve fog.
În lumina a numeroase scrisori și câteva comentarii, care dezbăteau problema limbii în care îmi scriu sau ar trebui să îmi scriu blogul, am decis să nu mai scriu o vreme. În nici o limbă. Voi posta doar fotografii cu lucrările mele, lăsând să vorbească doar limbajul universal al broderiei.
Számos email és pár hozzászólás fényében, melyeknek témája az volt, hogy milyen nyelven kellene vezetnem és milyen nyelven vezetem a blogomat, úgy döntöttem, hogy most egy ideig inkább nem írok semmit. Semmilyen nyelven. Lehet, hogy fogok képeket feltölteni, de megszólalni csak a hímzés nemzetközi nyelve fog.
În lumina a numeroase scrisori și câteva comentarii, care dezbăteau problema limbii în care îmi scriu sau ar trebui să îmi scriu blogul, am decis să nu mai scriu o vreme. În nici o limbă. Voi posta doar fotografii cu lucrările mele, lăsând să vorbească doar limbajul universal al broderiei.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Flights of Blue
There are about five ongoing projects on my working tables at the moment (I wonder who put them all there...) Some are quite old, desperate to be finished already, some are new, nothing borrowed but there is one that is BLUE: my monotone project, part of the Sumptuous Surface Embroidery online class I am taking with Sharon Boggon.
Legalább öt folyamatban lévő munka van éppen az asztalomom (vajon ki rakhatta oda őket?) Van köztük régi, ami szinte kétségeesetten várja a befejezést, van köztük régi, kölcsönvett nincs, de van egy KÉK is: Sharon Boggon "Sumptuous Surface Embroidery" online kurzusa keretén belül készül ez a monokróm saját tervezésű darab.
My sketch (no laughing, my drawing skills are superb but completely absent):
A "tervrajz" (nem nevet, a rajzolás nem az erősségem):
My chosen color is blue, so I gathered together most of my blue threads, ribbons and beads:
(since taking this photograph, there has been serious improvement to my blue beads stash :)
Választott színem a kék lett, összegyűjtöttem hát a kék színű fonalaim, szalagjaim, gyöngyeim nagy részét:
Flat areas / Low relief stitches:
Sík felületek, háttér:
And beginning the work on high relief stitches (the sumptuous part):
És elkezdődött a dimenziós, "fényűző" rész kialakítása:
Need I tell you how much fun this is?
Annyira jó játék ez! :)
Now back to my hoop, there's a whole field of blue flowers waiting to bloom :)
Megyek is vissza a hímzőkeretemhez, egy egész virágmező várja hogy kékbe borulhasson :)

Legalább öt folyamatban lévő munka van éppen az asztalomom (vajon ki rakhatta oda őket?) Van köztük régi, ami szinte kétségeesetten várja a befejezést, van köztük régi, kölcsönvett nincs, de van egy KÉK is: Sharon Boggon "Sumptuous Surface Embroidery" online kurzusa keretén belül készül ez a monokróm saját tervezésű darab.
My sketch (no laughing, my drawing skills are superb but completely absent):
A "tervrajz" (nem nevet, a rajzolás nem az erősségem):
My chosen color is blue, so I gathered together most of my blue threads, ribbons and beads:
(since taking this photograph, there has been serious improvement to my blue beads stash :)
Választott színem a kék lett, összegyűjtöttem hát a kék színű fonalaim, szalagjaim, gyöngyeim nagy részét:
Flat areas / Low relief stitches:
Sík felületek, háttér:
And beginning the work on high relief stitches (the sumptuous part):
És elkezdődött a dimenziós, "fényűző" rész kialakítása:
Need I tell you how much fun this is?
Annyira jó játék ez! :)
Now back to my hoop, there's a whole field of blue flowers waiting to bloom :)
Megyek is vissza a hímzőkeretemhez, egy egész virágmező várja hogy kékbe borulhasson :)

Friday, August 12, 2011
Learning Reticello
This wonderful Italian embroidery technique was introduced to me by Lee Albrecht. Passionate about embroidery, about learning and teaching it even beyond the walls of her embroidery school, she has invited several embroiderers from different countries to learn Reticello, within the "Lee Albrecht International Embroidery Exchange Project".
As you can see, I was happy to accept the invitation, here is my progress so far on Lee's Reticello sampler:
And this is only the beginning, the technique is fascinating!
Thank you, Lee!
As you can see, I was happy to accept the invitation, here is my progress so far on Lee's Reticello sampler:
(Belfast Platinum linen, stitched with white DMC Perle no.12)
Thank you, Lee!

Fabulous First Timers no.17
This is the title of the Round Robin I am participating in with the Crazy Quilting International Yahoo Group. The experience is indeed fabulous, lots of fun and very inspiring!
About a month or so ago, I showed the naked block I sent out to be embellished by my RR partners.
Since then, I had the chance to work on Michele's lovely block:
About a month or so ago, I showed the naked block I sent out to be embellished by my RR partners.
Since then, I had the chance to work on Michele's lovely block:
and a few days ago I received Marianne's pretty pansy block, on which Michele has already worked her magic:
Now it is my turn :)

Monday, August 1, 2011
Giveaway / Ajándék - Edited
I would like to share my happiness with all of you, my dear readers. As some of you might have already read in Lee Albrecht's kind post, the three pillows designed by her brought us the third prize in the 11th Annual Cross Stitch Exhibition and Contest in Budapest.
Szeretném megosztani az örömömet minden kedves olvasómmal. Lee Albrecht kedves post-jában már olvashattátok, hogy az általa tervezett három párnával harmadik helyezést értünk el a budapesti XI. Keresztszemes Kiállításon.
(The first three prizes)
(ground floor exhibition room)
(first floor exhibition room)
(the prize)
It is not just the photos and the joy that I would like to share. Just like last year, I am giving away a part of my prize:
Nem csak az örömömet és a fotókat szeretném megosztani Veletek, hanem, akárcsak tavaly, a nyereményemet is:
If you would like to win the Rosa - Botanical cross stitch kit by Lanarte, all you have to do is leave a comment to this post until August 31st.
Ha szeretnétek megnyerni a Lanarte, Rosa - Botanical keresztszemes készletet, csupán egy megjegyzést kell hagynotok ennél a bejegyzésnél Augusztus 31-ig.
And this is not all: the winner of this giveaway will also receive the kit for one of these gorgeous pillows: "Rosas Coral", a gift generously offered by Lee Albrecht!
És ez nem minden, a játék nyertese még egy ajándékban fog részesülni: Lee Albrecht jóvoltából egy "Rosas Coral" párna készletének is a tulajdonosa lesz!
Thank you and good luck, Everyone!
Köszönöm és sok szerencsét kívánok minden kedves jelentkezőnek!
PS: For more eye candy from the exhibition, please visit my Picasa album.
UI: A kiállításról még rengeteg fotót találhattok a Picasa albumomban.

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