
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hardanger Ring Pillow in Progress

For the last few weeks I have been playing with the idea of designing a hardanger ring pillow encrusted with ribbon embroidery and beads.

As the idea went on paper, the encrusted part became more delicate and discreet than planned and that is fine. At the moment I am in the process of adding the ribbon embroidery rose and beaded rose garland and hope to do all the cutting, wrapping and weaving next week.

There is quite a bit of "agony and ecstasy" going on with this piece, more than with any other project I have ever worked on, but we will sort it out somehow, this ring pillow and I, won't we? 

Wishing you all a beautiful day,


  1. What a wonderful idea!
    It looks great - can't wait to see the result!


  2. Of course you and your pillow will sort it out!
    Oh Anna Maria, I looked at the enlarged photos and this is so delicate, these pearls and tiny roses. Sigh!

  3. It is beautiful, will you be selling the pattern commercially. I would very much like to stitch this.

  4. Absolutely beautiful! I love the white embroidery on white fabric, and beads always make it better!
