
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


"Snowball Fight" is a swap I am participating in, with CQI. The idea is to piece and embellish a small CQ block, according to the preferences of the person we are making it for.
My swap partner for February is Connie. She asked for cream-gold-bronze in ways of color, with lots of sparkle. She loves lace, silk ribbon and beading a lot and also appreciates a vintage or encrusted look.

With these instructions in mind and the desire to practice curved piecing, I pieced the CD sized block you have already seen:

Silk, satin, golden lame, golden net on cream silk and a flower motif I cut out from a golden lace were the first ingredients. Then came the silk ribbons and beads and pearls and golden braid to add more sparkle.

I was planning to add something more to the center, but the moment the block got to the stage you can see, it whispered to me "I am finished..." I can't argue with that, can I?

And one last picture, taken under direct sunlight, just because I love the way it turned out:

I hope Connie will like the snowball I am about to "throw at her"...

Wishing you all a sunny day,


  1. Csodaszép! S a medáljaid is fantasztikusak!

    Nagy vagy!

  2. Annamaria,
    This is so pretty! I'm glad you listened to the block and stopped right there; it couldn't be more perfect!

  3. Wonderful work, gorgeous!


  4. I love everything about it.
    The curved seams, the curved and curled embroidery, the colors.

  5. B E A U T I F U L!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What can I say??!
    It has a real vintage, victorian look:) I love this work!

  6. It is finished and it is beautiful !!

  7. Wow! I had to take a peek to see what Connie was so excited about and now I understand completely! This is just lovely!

  8. Very beautiful! I'm sure Connie will love it!

  9. I stuck to the monitor from such a beauty ,I'm embroider ribbons plan to learn ,your works are amazing with the pleasure of staying with you in defeat
