
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Phone Pouches in Progress

Remember how in yesterday's post I said that I was longing for colors? Pink and green, purple and green, blue and green. Do you see a pattern there?
Although I should be working on Christmas ornaments if i want them to be finished in due time, this morning at 8 a.m. sharp I was franticly digging through my fabrics, trying to find... spring... Funny creature the human being, at least this particular one, that's babbling on over here: we are having such a gorgeous, sunny, colorful autumn, and what am I doing? Thinking of winter and missing spring...
Oh, well, green I wanted, green it is. With a touch of pink here:

and a touch of blue there (it IS blue, not grey as the photo shows it)

and some more blue touches on the cutting board, to fit around a Flower Fairy.

Embellishing day tomorrow. Starting 8 a.m sharp :)


  1. Hű, ebből milyen szépet sejtek már előre!Már így is szép az anyagok és a színek összeállítása!

  2. Oh, I love these especially the first one! I know they will be beautiful.

  3. Está quedando precioso ese trabajo, besos


  4. Hú! Ez csodaszép lesz! Kíváncsian várom a végeredményt!
