
Friday, August 12, 2011

Fabulous First Timers no.17

This is the title of the Round Robin I am participating in with the Crazy Quilting International Yahoo Group. The experience is indeed fabulous, lots of fun and very inspiring!
About a month or so ago, I showed the naked block I sent out to be embellished by my RR partners.
Since then, I had the chance to work on Michele's lovely block:

and a few days ago I received Marianne's pretty pansy block, on which Michele has already worked her magic:
Now it is my turn :) 


  1. Nagyon jól néznek ki ezek a kis anyagdarabok, csodás a hímzés is! Izgi lehet ez az RR!

  2. eszméletlen gyönyörű munkák kerülnek ki a kezed alól!! gratulálok! :))
