
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pincushion / Tűpárna

When I saw this CD pincushion tutorial at Ivory Blush Roses, I knew I had to make one.
Amikor rátaláltam a CD-vel készült tűpárna leírására  az Ivory Blush Roses blogon, azonnal tudtam, hogy nekem is készítenem kell egyet.

It had to wait for a couple of months, but I have finished it today.
Várnia kellett pár hónapig, de ma végre elkészült.

It was fun to make and I love the outcome. It is so cute, I don't think I'll have the heart to stab it with needles and pins... 
Annyira megkedveltem, megeshet, hogy nem lesz lelkem tűket szúrkálni bele...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2, 20, 200

Crazy quilted ring bearer's pillow no.2, 20x20cm in size, and blog member no.200 :)

By the time the seam treatments, embroidery and lace beading were done, I realized that adding anything to the boomerang shaped patch would take away from the shape of the fan.

As I felt the same way even after sleeping on it (not literally...), I finished it up and I am happy to present my CQ'd ring pillow no.2:

The rings are going to be attached to the trim in the upper left, with cream silk ribbon, but only when the time comes for the pillow to be used...

And last, but not least, I am also happy to welcome Kathy Shaw (Shawkl), as member / follower no.200 of my blog, and to present her with her choice of a hardanger angel or bookmark by this Christmas :)

Have a beautiful weekend, Everyone!

P.S. I've been without internet connection for the last two weeks, so many emails remained unanswered. I am kindly asking for your patience for one more day, will start going through the letters tomorrow. Thank you!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Back to the future

After a small break, I am back in my studio again, working on another ring bearer's pillow:

The colors, threads and laces are the same as on the previous pillow I made, but this time I took my chances with piecing a fan block. 

I was a bit nervous about the curved piecing, but I think it turned out beautifully. 

The seam treatments still have to be finished and the laces embellished with beads... 

I have several ideas for how to treat the "boomerang" patch, will have to decide on that by Tuesday so I can hopefully finish the pillow next weekend.

Until then, have a great time this weekend, Everyone!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When the time came / Amikor eljött az idő

... my fairy, who also helped me with last year's drawing, kindly agreed to keep a watchful eye on this drawing too, making sure that everything is fair(y):
... a tündérkém, aki tavaly is lelkesen segédkezett a sorsolásban, beleeggyezett, hogy idén is szemmel tartsa a műveletet:

There were 62 names in the box, but I could only pick one:
62 név került a dobozba, de csak egyet vehettem ki: 

Aaaaand, the winner of the Lanarte Rosa Botanical and Lee Albrecht's Rosas Coral kits is none other, than:
Éééés, aki a Lanarte Rosa Botanical és Lee Alrecht Rosas Coral készletek tulajdonosa lesz, nem más mint:

Congratulations and enjoy!
Szeretettel gratulálok, hímezd őket örömmel!

Thank you all, for playing with me :)
Mindannyiatoknak köszönöm, hogy játszottatok velem :)